«Use AI», they say. «It’s easy», they say. Well, it can be but with the proper knowledge. We’ve collected good articles about prompts for different tools, so you don’t need to Google it 😉 Here is our selection of 10 articles with free prompts.

Remember! You can use all these prompts for any tool, just be ready to get very different results. See the image to get an idea of the differences between tools.

Let us begin with ChatGPT prompts

Complex article with prompts for ChatGPT. All the prompts are separated by target groups: https://writesonic.com/blog/chatgpt-prompts

This article contains tips on how to properly write prompts for ChatGPT: https://www.semrush.com/blog/chatgpt-prompts/

Images enter the chat

Cool article with prompts for Midjourney: https://www.gelato.com/blog/midjourney-prompts

Canva article on how to properly write prompts for its Magic Media tool: https://www.canva.dev/blog/developers/helping-your-users-write-better-prompts/

Great site with ready-to-use prompts for tons of images: https://freeflo.ai/

The same prompt but different AI tools. As you can see, prompts are a pretty universal way to get your task done with any AI tool you choose.

Articles on generating prompts for marketing activities for any purposes

A cool article that compares do’s and don’ts for prompts: https://www.typeface.ai/education/typeface-academy/how-to-write-good-ai-image-prompts

Article with cats (yep, cute cats) and prompts from Harvard University IT: https://huit.harvard.edu/news/ai-prompts-images

This article contains quality prompts for ChatGPT to boost your marketing activity: https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2023/05/08/chatgpt-prompts

Very informative selection of prompts on different topics for marketing teams: https://www.larksuite.com/en_us/blog/lark-template-ai-prompt-marketing

Another example of what you can get with one prompt for different AI tools

Also, we have a lot of our own prompts and tips. If you want them


Author natalia.shcherbyna

Project manager, Tech Lead, Product manager, QA

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